Call 613-258-6576
Email anne@cseconsulting.com
to register!
In Motion & Momentum+ is a FREE workshop series of three modules over 10 weeks that use an experiential learning approach.
It is a strengths-based approach that allows participants to experience success, pride, respect, connection, hope and achievement. IM&M+ uses action-based learning methodology (e.g., multi-sensory-based activities, group projects and facilitated problem-solving sessions, action planning, goal setting, exploration of roles, improvisation, and implementing a community development initiative) in a cohort-based delivery format.
When participants register – they are agreeing to join a group of the same individuals through all modules – In Motion, Momentum, and Momentum+.
This fully virtual program helps participants:
Create a vision for now and the future that is consistent with their life values
Identify and build targeted life and employability skills (communication, healthy interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, dealing with stress, money management/budgeting, coping with change)
Practice setting realistic and meaningful goals connected to their needs and their vision for the future
Practice developing and implementing action plans that reflect their vision and goals, address barriers and include appropriate supports
Explore roles (work, learning, volunteer) that connect to self and have the potential to contribute to family/community
Explore a wide range of options and opportunities, so their horizons are broadened
Communiquez avec le Centre de ressources le plus près de chez vous pour vous inscrire à tout événement vous êtes intéressé ou pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les services, les événements spéciaux ou les ateliers du CSE.