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Call 613-258-6576
to register!

In Motion & Momentum+ is a FREE workshop series of three modules over 10 weeks that use an experiential learning approach.

It is a strengths-based approach that allows participants to experience success, pride, respect, connection, hope and achievement.  IM&M+ uses action-based learning methodology (e.g., multi-sensory-based activities, group projects and facilitated problem-solving sessions, action planning, goal setting, exploration of roles, improvisation, and implementing a community development initiative) in a cohort-based delivery format. 


When participants register – they are agreeing to join a group of the same individuals through all modules – In Motion, Momentum, and Momentum+.

This fully virtual program helps participants:

  • Create a vision for now and the future that is consistent with their life values

  • Identify and build targeted life and employability skills (communication, healthy interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, dealing with stress, money management/budgeting, coping with change)

  • Practice setting realistic and meaningful goals connected to their needs and their vision for the future

  • Practice developing and implementing action plans that reflect their vision and goals, address barriers and include appropriate supports

  • Explore roles (work, learning, volunteer) that connect to self and have the potential to contribute to family/community

  • Explore a wide range of options and opportunities, so their horizons are broadened



Communiquez avec le Centre de ressources le plus près de chez vous pour vous inscrire à tout événement  vous êtes intéressé ou pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les services, les événements spéciaux ou les ateliers du CSE.

Heures de travail

Bureaux de Kemptville et Prescott :  

Lun, mer, jeu, ven : 8h30 - 16h30,

Mardi : 9h30 - 16h30

Bureau de Brockville sur rendez-vous :

Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 16h30

Les rendez-vous après les heures sont disponibles sur demande

Contactez le centre le plus proche de chez vous pour plus d'informations.


CSE Consulting Logo

Kemptville 613-258-6576 | Prescott 613-925-0222  | Brockville 613-342-2312


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